Tuesday 17 March 2020


Interactions with students
I tried to build interactions with my students that were not based on the simple sending of teaching materials, the assignment of tasks or the correction of papers, but on continuous dialogue, on constant feedback.
In this regard, I have often used e-mail to exchange notices or short messages, asking representatives to act as intermediaries and I have also created a virtual bulletin board with Padlet

Use of the Class Agenda
I marked the planned activities on the Agenda:
live video lessons (date and time)
real-time performance of tasks and exercises
the terms for the delivery of essays and the study of topics
viewing of recorded video lessons

preparation of materials
organization of the online learning environment
correction of essays
live or recorded video lessons

I aimed above all at creating products (doing exercises, drafting written papers, making presentations or video reports, etc.) rather than simply assimilating content, to keep students' interest and participation alive

Online learning environment
To make live video lessons I used Zoom, because it allows you to show your computer screen (presentations, texts, exercises, etc.)
To share materials and assign tasks to be carried out, I used my saponar.blogspot.com site and the Electronic Register

The evaluation of the work done
The assessments of the work done by students in this period are to be considered formative and not summative, as the conditions in which the students are operating are different and do not allow fair judgment.
However, I have constantly provided feedback to the students on the quality of the work done

The learning demonstrated in this period, as well as the commitment and sense of responsibility, punctuality in deliveries, participation in the educational dialogue, will be elements of judgment in the final assessment of each student's educational path.

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